A New Improved Calcium Hydroxide Medicament
Paste for Root Canal and Vital Pulp Therapy

Introduction to Calmix

Better dissolution of calcium hydroxide
In any water-based media (liquid or paste), the common ion effect from OH ions already present in water limits dissolution of calcium hydroxide power1.
1 Athanassiadis B, Abbott PV, George N, Walsh LJ. In vitro study of the inactivation by dentine antimicrobial endodontic medicaments and their bases. Australian Dental Journal 2010; 55

Greater solubility
Calmix™ changed the vehicle to something other than water. This gives greater solubility, avoids the common ion effect, gives greater release, and allows higher pH values to be achieved2.
2 Walsh LJ, Athanassiadis B. Non-aqueous solvents influence pH of calcium hydroxide products. IADR ANZ 2014.

Uses a special copolymer for
optimal dissolution
Calmix™ uses a special co-polymer of PEG400 and PEG4000 designed to give optimal calcium hydroxide dissolution and release.

Backed by science
A titration study using hydrochloric acid challenge revealed that OH ion release from Ca(HO)2 in PEG400 was significantly higher than for Ca(OH)2 in a saturated solution in water (P<0.01)3.
3 Walsh LJ, Athanassiadis B. Influence of PEG400 vehicle on calcium hydroxide medicaments. IADR 2016.

High pH is achieved by Calmix™ when compared
with other medicaments

Calmix™ maintains high pH over longer
periods of time

Calmix™ Key Points
Higher pH than all existing Ca (OH) medicaments
Greater antimicrobial activity within the root canal
Less inflammation to outer tissues than Pulpdent® & Ultracal™
Easily picked up with spiral or placed in the canal with fine tips
Won't dry out on pad or in the syringe

Calmix™ is more effective against fungi than all
other calcium hydroxide pastes

Greater effectiveness against Candida species

Despite a higher pH, Calmix™ is less cytotoxic
(tissue injury)

Greater effectiveness against Candida species

The influence of aqueous and PEG 400 solvent vehicles on hydroxy
lion release from calcium hydroxide medicaments
lion release from calcium hydroxide medicaments
Webinar: Improved Endodontic Technologies: A Mini Update and other materials and techniques that produce better clinical results
Presented by Professor Laurie Walsh AO & Dr Yao Teoh (04 August 2020)
This webinar provided a summary of the science and research behind the rethink of calcium hydroxide, and discussed what it means from the standpoint of clinical endodontics, focusing on the practical advantages and handling properties of these new materials.